Sodium Caproyl Methyltaurate Good Cleansing Agent No known benefits Sodium Caproyl Methyltaurate at a glance Mild surfactant and cleansing agent Not one of the more commonly used surfactants Helps boost and stabilize foam and silken skin Presumed safe as used in cosmetics Sodium Caproyl Methyltaurate description Sodium caproyl methyltaurate, from a chemical composition standpoint, is the sodium salt of the caproic acid amine of N-methyl taurine. In cosmetics, it is used as a mild surfactant and cleansing agent. Cosmetically, it’s known to leave skin silky-smooth, and its mild nature won’t leave skin feeling stripped. While not one of the more commonly used surfactants in cosmetics, the independent Cosmetic Ingredient Review has ruled that if used in the same amounts and methods as its related cleansing agents, it is safe. The typical concentration of sodium caproyl methyltaurate in cleansers is 1%, where it assists the primary surfactants and helps stabilize and improve foaming aesthetics.